Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!
Don't know if this will come through correctly or not but this was a gift from my son today:

Wanted to share this as I thought this was absolutely adorable!!!  ;)

Enjoy your holiday and Happy Knitting!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Adventure or Chaos????

Well, Worlders, the time has come. Summer Vacation!!!!!
The challenge.....finding a way to stuff my wheel, roving, yarn, projects (and kitties!) into an RV and still leave room for my family. :)
Does the family HAVE to come??? Aww, shucks, you're right, that's THE point of the vacation. Does that make me evil? Moohahaha.....
Ok, back to the yarn. As I'm sure you all know, storage is at a premium in an RV and the task still remains as to how to put it all in, make it easily visible and keep it clean!!! (minus the cat fur, of course!) Enter one of my new favorite products found on! The Sto-n-Go project box! Great little thing, really. You put your yarn in, it has little frosted viewable windows, one small one in front and a really big one in back. Best of all, the little elves inside keep your yarn from getting tangled!! Seriously, tho', you want to keep your yarn neatly organized in this thing as it bumps around. Unfortunately, there are no yarn elves. :(
Note to self: find yarn elves!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hey Worlders! Is that even a word???
Just wanted to pop in a say "Yes, I still live" in case you were wondering. Knitting going well. Also, wanted to share that my spinning is going well, also. Wait, wait, why are you all smirking at me?? I spin fiber into yarn!!! Really, nothing like you were thinking. I know that I'm a bit dizzy at times but, honestly, you people! ;)