Monday, February 2, 2009

Houston, we have liftoff!!!

Yay! I'm up and running. How easy was that? Always wanted to do this and never found the time. Took getting horribly sick to find the time. (there's some mean twist of fate in there that I'll figure out later...) Well, this is (as of now) just a rant to get things started. Hopefully, everyone will find something in here that's interesting. 


  1. Great. I'm glad you're up and ranting...I mean blogging. LOL I like the page. Nice info about knitting. I think you tried to knit nughty nickers once...OK, that isn't true but you must admit, not bad aliteration. LOL Well, I'll sod off for now. Your favourite Limey

  2. Nice Mouse...Now I have the Song Ben going through my head...Thanks...LOL

  3. He's a HAMPSTER, not a mouse. An Evil Demon Hampster, if you please. He has a purpose and we are all not worthy to know what that is. Just feed him and he'll happily plot away while running in his wheel. Running, running, running......

  4. You can feed the fish, too, and play with my other toys. Wait, that sounds wrong....YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! Just feed the blasted fish! And the hampster! And stop thinking that way!!!!! =^.^=
